VIERA, Fla. — Some drivers say it was difficult to turn on to Stadium Parkway at Addison Drive in Viera because trees and tall grass in the median.

What You Need To Know

  • Brevard County resident Harry Rogers says it was difficult to turn on to Stadium Parkway from Addison Drive

  • He said trees and tall grass in the median made it difficult to see traffic on Stadium Parkway

  • Brevard County and Viera Company have since removed the trees and grass from the median

“One of the biggest problems is, if you watch people coming across here, in order to see cars coming through that blind side over there, they have to come out on to the crosswalk,” Brevard County resident Harry Rogers said.

“Is there a possibility that someone gets killed?" he asked. "One hundred percent — we’re playing Russian roulette with everybody’s lives here.”

Brevard County’s engineering staff, when told about the problem, told Spectrum News that the landscaping met safety standards.

A review of crash data appears to reveal, though, that drivers were having problems seeing.

In response, county officials had the Viera Company, which installed the landscaping, remove the trees and grass from the median in question.

“It’s all part of caring about your community,” Rogers said.

Rogers said he is now pushing for the installation of a crosswalk on Stadium Parkway — which is something that Brevard County officials say they are considering somewhere along the stretch of road.

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