ORLANDO, Fla. — A cancer diagnosis can be scary and change someone’s life forever.

What You Need To Know

  • Leigh Shannon owns a local wig shop

  • His mom died from breast cancer

  • He's committed to helping others in their journey to recovery

But one Orlando business owner works to match breast cancer patients and survivors with help during one of the toughest times of their lives.

Leigh Shannon isn’t shy about giving you his opinion on wigs. He’s owned his shop, Ritzy Rags Wigs & More, for over 35 years.   

“I love wigs,” said Shannon.

Shannon teamed up with two professional wig makers in October to help women battling breast cancer.

After Mary Ann Mullhear finished chemo and began radiation treatment, Shannon helped her feel a little better along her journey.

“Some people are down and a little of a boost — it’s great,” said Mullhear.

Shannon has helped match cancer patients with wigs for so long, he even has some advice for people when their hair grows back.

“You get a little growth — shave it, because it’s got chemo on it,” said Shannon. “The quicker you shave it, the sooner you’ll get your texture back and it will grow faster.”

With each person he helps, Shannon gets to do something he didn’t have the chance to for his mother. She died at age 43 from breast cancer.

“And I remember going to get a wig for her with her and all she could get were little old lady wigs, and she was never happy with that wig,” said Shannon. “And so I feel like I’m giving my mom a good wig every time.”

Shannon also checks in with people like Denise Rossetti.

“They say you’re free and clear now, right?” Shannon asked Rossetti on a video chat. “We’re so glad to hear that.”

“It was really nice to have somebody that was there and talking about it and making me feel calm, because that’s a big situation when you have to think about shaving your head, or losing your hair,” said Rossetti.

“You worry about them, but it was great to see her and I appreciate that she feels good,” said Shannon.

To reach out to Leigh Shannon about possibly getting help with a free wig, email Shannon at ritzyragsemail@aol.com.

Shannon is also well known for the long-running “Leigh Shannon’s Cabaret Dinner Show” at Hamburger Mary’s in downtown Orlando.