VENICE BEACH, Fla. — The tall grass on the beach blowing in the wind and the ocean waves; it’s a sight to behold, and one that will play a part in you finding your center. A big reason yoga instructor, Elin Larsen, has made Venice Beach her personal yoga studio.

What You Need To Know

  • Elin Larson made Venice Beach her personal yoga studio

  • She has been practicing yoga for 50 years

  • She says that yoga is a healing practice

Elin first started her yoga journey when she was a young athlete, a part of a traveling sports team. She had to take time away to care for her mother, who was diagnosed with cancer. That’s when she began practicing yoga at home. When she finally rejoined her team, she was as strong and physically fit as ever. 

“I’ve done yoga this whole time of my life,” Elin said. “Yoga is great. It’s something that is just always there for you.” 

Now Elin says she’s been practicing yoga for close to 50 years. Training not just herself, but anyone who will go on the journey with her. One of her greatest accomplishments being the free yoga classes she started and grew here on Venice Beach nearly 15 years ago. 

“I moved from Connecticut not knowing a soul and someone told me you should teach yoga on the beach and so I went to the county and then the city and everyone all agreed that would be a good idea,” she said.

A great idea that’s certainly grown since the early days when they had several dozen on the beach practicing yoga to now, during their busy season from January to April, welcoming hundreds. But through it all, Elin has remained grounded. Her number one mission was to enlighten and teach others the healing powers of yoga, all while taking in the beauty of Venice Beach. 

“It absolutely is a healing practice, and it’s more than just getting better or getting stronger. For a lot of people, it’s about keeping what they have now and if they can do that, that’s a good feeling,” she said.

Beach Yoga with Elin is seven days a week right now and starts promptly at 8 a.m. near the Venice Beach Pavilion. She also offers sunset classes Monday through Thursday, starting at 7 p.m. These hours will change mid October because of the season but you can keep up to date on classes and time changes, just head to their website at