ORLANDO, Fla. — Orange County A+ Teacher Keith Johnson didn't set out to become an instructor, but one very special person inspired him.

"This is a career change for me, and getting into teaching has been, I would say, the best thing that I've done in my entire life," Johnson said.

What You Need To Know

  • Keith Johnson is a teacher at West Creek Elementary School in Orange County

  • His first career was as a sergeant in the U.S. Army

  • His late mother, a teacher for 35 years, inspired him to teach 

  • Click here to nominate an A+ Teacher

That's saying a lot because before Johnson became a fifth-grade math teacher at West Creek Elementary School, he was a sergeant in the U.S. Army, serving the country for 16 years.

“It’s a learning experience,” he said. “It's actually pretty scary. It's a lot different than being in the military. When you're in the military, you kind of grow into your role. You learn from other people above you, like your sergeants and your commanders and lieutenants, but here it's just you in the classroom with 20 to 25 students that are all looking to you as their leader."

Just a few years in, Johnson is nailing it as an A+ Teacher.

The person who nominated Johnson said he is one of the few male teachers at his school and he has a unique way of motivating students to learn.

Johnson said his late mother inspired him by telling him he's always had a “teacher’s heart.” She would know, too, because she was a teacher for 35 years in New York. 

"My mother always said that you know if you're going to teach, go where you can make the most impact," Johnson said.

Johnson never forgot that advice, and it shows in his students’ achievements.

He has no regrets.

"When you sit down with a student who's been struggling to try to get a concept and then all of a sudden their eyes light up, you see that they got it. They understand,” Johnson said. “There's nothing that's more rewarding than that."