KISSIMMEE, Fla. — Noise is a hot topic in Kissimmee right now, and the irony is residents and downtown business owners are the ones making noise about the noise in their city.

What You Need To Know

  • Kissimmee Police officers have responded to 1,132 noise complaints so far in 2022

  • The city of Kissimmee saw a 40% increase in noise complaints from 2020 and 2021

  • If a car stereo can be heard from over 25 feet away, the driver could be issued a $116 ticket

Officials say that in the downtown area, vehicle exhausts and stereos are the main culprit. In the residential areas, Kissimmee Police Chief Jeff O’Dell says it's parties.

Currently in Kissimmee if a car’s stereo or muffler can be heard by a Kissimmee police officer from more than 25 feet away, a ticket for $116 dollars can be issued.

When responding to a noise complaint at a house party, though, officers first ask for the resident to turn it down. If they have to come back later, it could lead to an arrest, but that’s something O'Dell doesn’t really want to do.

“Right now, we give a warning at a residence or ultimately take them to jail," he says. "I prefer not to take people to jail. My hope is that we can rewrite the ordinance that gives law enforcement the ability to issue a citation.”

According to information from the Kissimmee Police Department, officers have responded to more than 1,100 noise complaints so far this year. 

City officials say they hope the ordinance can be changed to allow officers to issue citations at loud house parties by the end of this year, or beginning of next year.