DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. – Thousands of people are spending their Memorial Day weekend in Daytona Beach, according to the Daytona Beach Police Department.

With several different events taking place throughout the area, DBPD is increasing its presence across the city to keep things under control.

“This is the first year that we’ve actually brought in the entire agency so we ended up canceling all days off to ensure that we have enough staffing to address any issues that may pop up,” said Chief Jakari Young during a press conference on Friday.

Around 20,000 people are attending a Heroes Honor Festival at Daytona International Speedway.

An unsanctioned event referred to as "Orlando Invades Daytona" also takes place over the weekend and is expected to bring in large crowds.

For people like Carol Boprie-Daniel, she knows just how busy it can get over this holiday weekend in Daytona Beach.

“People from all over Florida are going to be coming here today. Just to spend the weekend at the beach,” she explained.

Five years ago, her love and passion for cats turned into a store that is located on Main Street. On busy weekends like this, she just sits back and watches the waves of people who make their way to the water.

“I envy the people. The people that are heading to the beach right now.”

Boprie-Daniel says she’s grown accustomed to all the commotion that takes place around her business.

To go along with extra staffing, officers were assigned foot patrol duties while police cars also increased their presence in the city.

As for Boprie-Daniel and her business, she says the extra crowds don’t necessarily bring in more people to her store, but that she doesn’t mind having conversations with those who walk by.

“They’re on a mission,” she said. “So even if they aren’t stopping in our stores to shop other than a beach towel or something like that. I’m good with that because I know they’re here to have a good time.”