AUSTIN, Texas — Round up the kiddos and have some “gritty” family fun at Rodeo Austin from March 12-26.

Friday night at the Travis County Expo Center, guests will gather in the rodeo arena and "Kick Open the Chutes." Although rodeo performances don’t start until Saturday, March 12, artists Stoney LaRue and special guest Triston Marez will play live music. 

With claims to be “one of America’s top ProRodeos,” every year it has rodeo competitions, a carnival and fair, shopping, food and many other activities.

Parents can take their children to Kidstown, watch the Wild West Show and pig or turkey races.

Each day there will be live music on the main stage and a ProRodeo event from bare back riding to bull fighting.

You can select whichever date works best for you here. Every day a new artist will take to the main stage. There are options to purchase tickets solely for the carnival or fair.

Before heading to Rodeo Austin, take the time to read its COVID safety policies