As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues, millions of Ukrainians are hunkered down in their homes and others are fleeing – some leaving most, if not all, of their belongings behind.

What You Need To Know

  • A Ukrainian church in Apopka is collecting supplies to send to Ukrainians displaced by the Russian invasion

  • Ukrainians say one of the most needed items are bullet-proof vests, but the church is colleting more commonly-found items like clothes, blankets and food

  • The church has a list of items needed on their website

To help, St. Mary Protectress Ukrainian Catholic Church in Apopka is collecting supplies to send to Ukraine and surrounding countries where Ukrainian refugees have fled.

While one of the most needed items in Ukraine is bullet-proof vests, the church is collecting more commonly found items like clothes, blankets, and food. Dmytro Rybalskiy delivered an entire carload of items to the church on Tuesday afternoon.

“One person I know was killed, like yesterday, and my family is in a horrible state right now,” said Rybalskiy.

Rybalskiy was born and raised in Ukraine, but now lives in Central Florida. He’s worried about his mother and other relatives still living in the country.

“Ukrainian officials are trying to show that we aren’t afraid, but what’s happening is just ridiculous and surreal. it’s just impossible,” said Rybalskiy.

Even as he’s taking steps to help, Rybalskiy is still having trouble fully wrapping his head around what’s happening in the place where he grew up.

“It’s a lot of people,” said Rybalskiy.

“Whatever you’ve seen with wars, compared to other wars, this is huge. I don’t know even understand how it’s possible what’s happening.”

Rybalskiy feels torn – he wishes he could be there in Ukraine to help there.

“I feel really bad,” said Rybalskiy. “This has to be stopped by all means.”

For now, he’s doing what he can from Central Florida, and hoping for the best for his family far away in a war zone. But he doesn’t know how much longer he’ll be able to keep in touch with them.

“They had power for like four days and now they’re out of power and I’m afraid I’m going to stop being able to connect to them - and that’s really scary,” said Rybalskiy.

The church has a list of items needed on their website.