ORLANDO, Fla. – On Monday, February 21, Orlando City Commissioners voted to forgive the more than $120,000 the Mad Cow Theatre owes due to unpaid rent and collected interests as long as the owners empty the Church Street building by the end of May.

Meanwhile, the Community Redevelopment Agency agreed to forgive the theater for more than $420,000.

As part of the deal, Mad Cow Theatre will have to leave its Church Street venue by the end of May.

Mary Lou Moss, a long time Orlando resident, called it a huge loss for the community because she said she had fond memories of the theater.

“I liked the intimacy of it and being able to touch the celebrities and all of that,” Moss said. 

She said it was one of the few remaining family-friendly businesses on Church Street and now doesn't see much activity for families there.

For months, Mayor Buddy Dyer made turning the Downtown Orlando a more family friendly environment.

Moss hopes another similar business opens in the area soon.