ORLANDO, Fla. — When Gary Pettyman went outside during his shift at Dunkin' Donuts on Oct. 12, he noticed a fire at the Pulse Interim Memorial and didn't think twice about what he needed to do: He put it out.

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Prettyman, who works at the Dunkin’ Donuts on South Orange Avenue in Orlando across the street from the Pulse Interim Memorial, said he smelled the fire before he saw it that night. After scoping out the area, he said he noticed dwindling flames across the street, so he got some water to put them out.

“Came back and put this side out and I saw there was more burning around back, so I walked around back and put the rest of it out with my feet,” he said in an exclusive interview with Spectrum News 13.

Surveillance video recently released from the onePULSE Foundation shows a man wearing a headset put out the flames about 15 minutes after it was seemingly started by a person in a wheelchair. In the video, the flames are seen ebbing and flowomg as they went through several banners and mementos on the wall. The onePULSE Foundation confirmed a bystander put out a fire, saying a security officer was not on-site at the time.

Mark Anthony Henson, 64, has since been arrested and charged with felony criminal mischief in connection with the incident.

“It was windy that night and if it kept going, Lord knows what would’ve happened,” Prettyman told News 13. “It could’ve gotten the rest of the thing on fire. I’m glad I came outside and saw that it was able to be put out, and put it out.”

Pulse survivor Orlando Torres is glad too. Torres met Prettyman while grabbing a snack at Dunkin’ before heading to the memorial.

“It’s an honor that you were there to put out the fire that could’ve gotten worse,” Torres told him. “I’m sure you touched everybody’s heart.”

“I just can’t believe somebody would set it on fire,” Prettyman said. “It’s just unbelievable that somebody would do that.”