LAKE NONA, Fla. — Gordy Cottrell's daily grind involves suiting up from head to toe in water gear, that he's been using for the past 15 years.

“You get the equipment and it's up to your imagination after that," he said. 

What You Need To Know

  •  Gordy Cottrell, a former semi-professional wake boarder, is teaching students at Nona Adventure Park

  •  With 15 years experience wake boarding, Cottrell enjoys seeing his students discover a passion for the sport

  • Along with wake boarding instruction, Nona Adventure Park offers a beach area, aerial ropes course, and a massive inflatable water park

Over the past 15 years he spent four as a semi-professional wake boarder competeing across the globe. Now, he's brought his talents and skills a bit closer to home, at Nona Adventure Park

“That was a long time ago ... now I'm a wake board instructor," Cottrell said. 

Taking his passion and love for the sport of wake boarding and now instructing today's youth. 

“It's fun taking the blank slate of a kid and knowing what they are doing wrong before they even know themselves," Cottrell said. 

Inspiring a new generation on a sport that's been around since 1985 starting as a combination between water skiing and surfing. 

“I can imagine someone just brought a surf board up behind a boat and the rest is history," Cottrell said. 

Ditching the boat at Nona Adventure Park and instead using a massive cable system one that will take boarders weaving and soaring through the park. 

For many of Cottrell's students, they reach new milestones just about as quickly as they race the course. 

"Yeah, I've only done this about a year,” said wake board student Julian Brieto. 

Instructors like Cottrell, taking novice Brieto, and getting him trained on the sport and loving it. 

“Heck yeah ... it's the best thing ever! I'm like low key addicted, I hate everyday I'm not here," Brieto said. 

And that's the sentiment you'll hear from most of the kids on this course, that it's addicting. 

Show that the sport of wake boarding is continuing to grow. Just in the past two years that this cable park here in Lake Nona has opened, two more have opened across the state. 

This adrenaline pumping sport offering a thrill and a new way to beat that heat and a way to join a tight knit community. 

“I know a lot of the guys out here are best friends ... and they push each other ... and it's really exciting to see that happen," Cottrell said. 

Nona Adventure Park is open seven days a week noon to 7 p.m. In addition to the cable park they offer a beach area, aerial ropes course, and a massive inflatable water park.