ORLANDO, Fla. - Community members gathered Saturday to feel the spirit of Black History Month through the 6th annual MLK Gospel and Spiritual Spectacular.

What You Need To Know

  • Saturday's event recalled Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s message, life

  • Community leaders announced creation of the Orlando Community Pledge

  • You can sign the pledge here

Powerful chords, filled with passion, carried across the Front Yard festival.

As they did, audience members felt the spirit of the man all this honors, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

“It’s important because Dr. King was for everybody," said Brandy Hand, chairwoman of Orlando's MLK Commission. "Not just for one race, not for one gender, not for one religion. Dr. King believed all means all, and so does this commission.”

The Orlando Mayor's MLK Commission has been in place for the past 35 years.

This year, perhaps more than ever, fellow commission member Courtney Powell says it’s important to stand for King’s message.

“It’s just a great and powerful statement that we all stand together in unity and against racism and discrimination," said Powell.

Hand hopes the heartfelt Gospel concert is just one way of reminding people of the significance of both King and Black History Month.

“I hope they take away the sense of community, that we believe in Dr. King’s legacy together of equality, justice, service, peace, respect and inclusion for all," Hand said.

During the event, city leaders announced the creation of the Orlando Community Pledge, which is a statement to stand against racism and discrimination.

They’re encouraging people to sign the pledge at orlando.gov/mlkpledge.