CORRECTION: This article was changed December 9, 2020 to correct the spelling of the last name of the sous chef. Her last name is Gismervik, not Ginsmervik. It has been corrected below.

FLORIDA — A recently laid off Disney sous chef whipped up a new way to make a living in Central Florida.

What You Need To Know

  • Olivia Gismervik, a former Disney sous chef, has turned her misfortune into a home catering business

  • After being furloughed by Disney, she was recently laid off by the company

  • She is one of thousands who have been laid off by Disney since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic

What started as a humble “work from home” operation has taken off into a baked goods catering business.

Olivia Gismervik says the magic is in the attention to detail.

“The bottom line for my own business is just making sure that I maintain the quality, because that’s what people want," said Gismervik.

With a steady hand, she expertly ices each individual gingerbread man.

But this seasoned pro says she didn’t feel steady when she was first furloughed from Disney.

“There’s nothing we can do about it, and there’s a lot of people who are in this same situation, so all I can do is utilize the skills that I have and try to move forward with it," she said.

So Olivia moved her skills back home, crafting her very own catering business.

By the time Olivia got word that she lost her job, her home endeavor was already cooking.

“I never could have expected that it would be this busy, but I’m so happy to be busy," she said, smiling.

Now in the holiday season, she’s booked with orders nearly every week.

Olivia looks to the future with uncertainty, but it's the sweet kind of uncertainty, with a flavor of fresh confidence.

“I’ve had a lot of people ask if I would go back to Disney, if the opportunity presented itself," she said. "I’m not quite sure of that answer yet, because I love it so much that I would, of course, love to jump back into it. But this has also been such an interesting experience to kind of realize what I’m capable of on my own.”

“Olivia’s Kitchen” is also the name of her catering business on Facebook.

She says that’s where she takes and posts about orders for people in the central Florida area.