ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. – The attorneys representing the family of 22-year-old Salaythis Melvin who was shot and killed during a deputy involved shooting is reacting to newly-released body camera video of that shooting.

What You Need To Know

  • Family of Salaythis Melvin react to body cam video

  • Melvin, 22, was killed during a deputy-involved shooting at Florida Mall

  • Family attorneys say video shows Melvin was not a threat

The body camera video was released on Tuesday, Election Day, just before polls closed. Orange County Sheriff John Mina defeated his opponents in the primary, but he will be busy…that coming from the attorneys representing Salaythis Melvin, who say the video shows clearly the 22-year-old was not a threat. 

“If you want to bring value to this man’s life after his death, do not let Sheriff Mina off the hook," family attorney Carlus Haynes said. ​

That bold message coming from Carlus Haynes, one of two attorneys representing the family of Salaythis Melvin, who was shot and killed during an Orange County deputy-involved shooting at the Florida Mall nearly two weeks ago. 

“What we have looked at so far and what we can see from our own eyes, it’s clear that Salaythis Melvin was not a threat, he was just trying to get away," Melvin family attorney Brad Laurent said. 

According to court records, Melvin was running while holding a gun with his right hand in his waistband. Court documents show the deputy told Melvin to drop the gun and then Melvin turned to face him while still having his hand on the gun in his waistband.

According to those documents, the deputy shot Melvin in the back because he believed Melvin was going to shoot and kill him.  Sheriff Mina discussing the timing of the release of that video News 13 anchor Eric Levy during an in-depth segment Wednesday morning. 

“Because of the public interest in this case, we met with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and they said we would prefer that you not release the body can video but if you are going to do it, please do it after all of the initial interviews are done...the last interview was done today, and we released the video yesterday like I promised, so that is just an effort to continue to be as transparent as possible," Mina Said. 

Still attorneys say they have many questions and requests from the sheriff including why wasn’t body camera video released from agent James Montiel, who fired the shot and where does this stand with the deputy who pulled the trigger. 

“Officer Montiel shouldn’t have his job and he should have been charged by now," Laurent said. 

The attorneys say they will now work on filing that civil suit against the deputies involved and the Orange County Sheriff’s Office.  The parents of Salaythis Melvin did release a statement by way of their attorneys, thanking the sheriff for releasing the video but going on to say: 

“If you really want to make sure our son’s death will not be in in vain promise us and the citizens of Orange County that no one, be they black or white, young or old, Baptist or Catholic, be gunned down in the manner our son was.” 

A protest calling for police from and the firing of deputy James Montiel is planned for Friday at the Florida Mall at 3:30 p.m.