ORLANDO, Fla. — The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metro Orlando and Orlando Economic Partnership believe the Hispanic community is essential to Central Florida’s growth for the next 10 years. Here's how:
1. Baby boomers: Dale Brill, Ph.D, Orlando Economic Partnership, said one of the reasons the Hispanic population is needed is because of the impending “silver or baby boomer tsunami,” where the majority of Central Florida’s baby boomers will retire by 2030 and outnumber the youth.
2. Economic participation: OEP reports the Hispanic population economic participation rate is the highest among any demographic, with 67 percent.
3. Labor growth: The OEP also reports the Hispanic population is responsible for 82 percent of the growth of the U.S. Labor Force since the Great Recession.
4. Younger community: According to the OEP report, the Hispanic community is 14 years younger than non-Hispanics in Florida and 11 years younger in just Orlando.
5. Kissimmee: Gaby Ortigoni, HCCMO President, said the city of Kissimmee would benefit the most from the growing Hispanic population.
6. Population: The Hispanic population makes up 60 percent of the population growth in Orlando, according to the OEP.