PALM BAY, Fla. — Pesky peacocks that inhabited a Palm Bay neighborhood are headed to a wildlife sanctuary.

More than 200 wild peacocks ran wild in the Pinehill Acres community.

Some neighbors say the peacocks are noisy and a nuisance, ripping patio screens and scratching cars.

One homeowner hired a trapper to haul them away to Baby Girl Horse Rescue and Veteran Therapy Ranch in South Florida.

"I'm not here to harm them in any way," said James Dean, a wildlife trapper.

"City Council and Palm Bay PD do not want them injured or killed. They are very pleased they are going to a rescue group," he continued.

"They are beautiful, but if you take them to a nice place, they will be nice," said Dora Paulino, one of the neighbors.

The trapper said he follows FWC guidelines and only puts traps on private property at the direction of the owner.