ORLANDO, Fla. — Is there a traffic signal near downtown Orlando giving mixed signals?

  • Colonial & Bumby intersection has confused traffic signal, says viewer
  • City agrees, says they'll change the light's programming next week
  • RELATED: More Traffic Inbox 

Spectrum News viewer Robert Kidary claims:

“There is a very confusing sign next to the traffic light on the corner of Bumby Avenue and Colonial Drive.  It’s on the Walgreens side. There is a sign that is lit up saying no turn on red. That’s clear but a green right turn arrow will display, and the ‘no turn on red sign’ stays on. So you will have cars that won’t turn right because the main lights are red.”

Colonial Drive is already an extremely busy roadway during peak times, with Robert Kidary going so far as to say that these days he would prefer to avoid Colonial Drive if he can.

"My boys use to go to class down there, and this area gets backed up so bad, it could take 30 minutes from Mills to down here," Kidary said.

He said it doesn't help when you add in a traffic light that to some doesn't make much sense, and in Kidary's eyes is malfunctioning.

The light is at the intersection of Bumby Avenue and Colonial Drive, just east of the heart of downtown Orlando. This particular signal is on the northbound side of Bumby.

 Robert Kidary said he constantly sees people that are confused by these seemingly conflicting signs.

"I was the second car tooting my horn nicely, and they just sat there and waited until the light changed."

This light is controlled and maintained by the City of Orlando itself, and they agree with our viewer Robert that the light would be much clearer if the “No Turn On Red” sign would not be displayed while the green and yellow turn arrows are up.

A city spokesperson said they will make a change to the light's programming next week, which may require some new hardware with a goal of completion by Friday.

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