A new video shows Seminole County's tax collector telling a police officer that giving him a speeding ticket would be unprofessional.

  • County Tax Collector Joel Greenberg pulled over for speeding
  • Cops: Greenberg tried to talk his way out of ticket
  • In released statement, Greenberg said he was late for meeting

"I'm baffled that a professional courtesy wouldn't be extended to at least issue a warning on something like this," Seminole Tax Collector Joel Greenberg is heard saying to a Lake Mary Police Department officer Tuesday.

In the video, they debate whether it's appropriate to give an elected official a speeding ticket for driving 39 in a 25 mph zone.

At one point, Greenberg asks the officer to call Police Chief Steve A. Bracknell, which the officer refused to do. Greenberg tried to call Bracknell, but for some reason the call was not placed.

"This is unprofessional," Greenberg said of the traffic stop.

"I mean, I have to work with you guys. I mean, come on. I ask you, are you going to pull the sheriff over and give him a ticket... Your response would be completely different," Greenberg told the officer.

"I highly doubt that... My response was it depends on the situation," the officer replies.

"This same situation... You are not giving the sheriff a ticket, and you and I both know that," Greenberg, a Republican, said.

Greenberg continued to seek information on how to make the ticket go away for another 10 minutes before giving up and thanking the officers and apologize to them.

In a released statement, Greenberg said: "I was late for a meeting and was speeding. I asked for a warning, and they refused. I fully understand their position and appreciate law enforcement for doing their job," he wrote.

CORRECTION: A previous headline on this story mischaracterized what Greenberg said to the police officer while debating the appropriateness of the ticket. The headline has been changed.