For the millions of people who hit the roads for Memorial Day, they saw gas prices pushed near $3 a gallon.

  • Regular gas up 60 cents from last year
  • People, like Uber drivers, feel the pinch 

In Florida, it is at $2.90 for regular unleaded, up 60 cents from last year at this time.

AAA says there has been an eight-cent spike in prices in Florida within a week. As drivers fill up, some say they are feeling the pinch at the pump, like Destiny Colon, an Uber driver.

"For $20, I probably won't even get even half a tank," said Colon.

Colon says she puts in a lot of miles as an Uber driver and with the recent price jump, it is really hurting.

"I am not making much. I am not really putting money in pocket, it's going towards gas," said Colon.

Her partner is feeling that same struggle.

"Pretty much half the paycheck is dedicated to gas so we struggle to afford everything else," she explained.

She says she has a 45-minute commute each way for her job, causing her to fill up quite a bit with the higher prices.

"They are ridiculous. I hate them," Colon said.

AAA stated the higher gas prices are based on a number of factors that include rising crude costs, tighter supplies and robust gasoline demand.

Prices in Florida a little bit lower than the national average which is currently sitting at $2.97 according to AAA. Orlando's current average is $2.87.

Marion County has the highest average in Central Florida at $2.91, according to AAA. 

There may be good news on the horizon though. AAA says oil and gas futures plunged Tuesday as Russia and Saudi Arabia said they may increase oil output. That means gas prices may come down again. A final decision on increasing oil output is not expected until June 22-23.