After three years of careful planning, American Muslim leaders opened a brand-new health care clinic in Longwood. The clinic's mission: providing life-saving care to uninsured families and others in need.
- Clinic located at State Road 434 and Wilma Street
- Initiative will provide care to uninsured patients free of charge
- Patients within 200 percent of poverty line also eligible for free care
The new American Muslim Community Clinic, located at State Road 434 and Wilma Street, will provide health care free of charge to uninsured patients and those within 200% of the poverty line.
"We wanted to do something because we have a lot of doctors in our community to serve the larger community," said Atif Fareed, the Chairman of American Muslim Community Centers, who added that dozens of doctors signed up to help with the initiative.
“Part of our faith is to serve those who are in need, so the doctors, who are very busy said, 'This is a great opportunity, because we do not get the opportunity to volunteer as much,' so they can use their profession, their skills," Fareed said.
"It's open to anybody who lives in central Florida," he added, regardless of faith or ability to pay.
“I think this is great. We have a community that we always work very well together," said John Maingot, Longwood Commissioner. "This is another outreach effort of behalf of the Muslim association, and we commend them for that."
American Muslim leaders said that they waited for the clinic at that location to go up for sale before buying and renovating it.
The clinic was be open starting on Fridays. They then hope to expand clinic hours and days of operation, allowing appointment scheduling.
Organizers said that they’re also working with Longwood Pharmacy to provide prescription drugs at no cost.