An angry customer goes off on a Lake County store owner and it’s all caught on tape. But as the woman tried to punch the man, she seems to have ended up hitting a seven-year-old child instead.
“Her crazy!” seven-year-old Kami Johnson said, describing her encounter with the woman.
Johnson ended up caught in the crossfire of an angry customer at the Mt. Dora A Plus Food Mart Monday night.
The child and her mom were sitting at a picnic table between the convenience store and a laundromat where they were doing laundry, when an argument from inside the store between a customer and the owner spilled over into the parking lot.
“We was just sitting here minding our own business and he told us to call the police,” Johnson said.
“He’s saying she tore up my store, call 911, something’s wrong with her,” said Danya Bennett, the girl's mother.
Video from inside the store shows the woman come up with a jar full of change. The owner said she didn’t want to buy anything, but wanted paper money in exchange for her coins.
The owner said he tried to explain to the woman he had other customers and he didn't have time to sort through the jar
But after getting increasingly frustrated, video shows the woman knock over virtually everything on the counter.
The owner followed her outside. He said she was screaming racial slurs and threatening to kill him and Bennett's family.
Surveillance video then shows the customer throw a punch, but what isn’t exactly clear is where it landed.
“When she was trying to swing at him she hit me,” Johnson said.
The seven-year-old has a bruise on her face, and said she’s having nightmares. Mt. Dora Police will only say they are reviewing the case, and the investigation remains open.
“I’d like to see justice served, it’s aggravated assault and I’d like to see her behind bars," Bennett said.