ORLANDO, Fla. — A viewer said he has witnessed multiple incidents along International Drive South near Contiental Gateway Drive that has him worried.

  • Claims of medians, plants blocking lines of sight when making left turns
  • Orange County maintains intersection, say they have plan for area
  • Get more Traffic Inbox coverage here

Viewer Chris Ginac worries about a commute, which he says is dangerous along I-Drive near Continental Gateway Drive. He thinks he knows what is causing the problems out there and has a simple solution.

Ginac just moved to Orlando two months ago from Reno, Nevada. He has already driven enough to form his own opinions of the area.

"Orlando drivers are the worst!” he exclaimed with a laugh.

In Ginac's short tenure here, he is already concerned with multiple intersections along International Drive on his commute to work, but most of all the one with Continental Gateway Drive.

"It's really hard to see going either way because they have bushes and trees in the middle here, so it's pretty dangerous," Ginac explained.

He thinks a traffic signal should be in place here.

"I've seen about three serious accidents here in the last two months that I've been here," he said.

Orange County government maintains this intersection and it did a signal warrant study recently. That study found that no signal was warranted at that particular intersection.

However, Orange County has a different plan in mind.

That plan is to implement a temporary directional median which will restrict northbound and southbound left turns. The next step will be to monitor the area for the next six months and re-evaluate the intersection before any permanent changes are made.

As for Ginac, he will continue to be on his toes everyday as he makes his way through the area.

"I try to see as much as I can, like I said, it's pretty hard to sometimes. I don't go past the stop sign until it's clear," he warned.

Thanks for your question Chris!

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