ORLANDO, Fla. — In this week's Traffic Inbox, a Spectrum News 13 viewer wrote in regarding one of Orlando's busiest intersections.

  • Traffic light at Kirkman, Conroy goes out during storms
  • City says it recently replaced traffic light two months ago

That intersection is Kirkman Road at Conroy Road, our viewer's name is Austin Goldstein and he questions why the traffic signal is constantly down after storms.

He wants to know why the city has not upgraded the wiring to have steel column support beams.

We visited a local business and found out that sometimes it is good to be close to an extremely busy road. 

Take the popular Dragon Ball Z-themed noodle bar Soupa Saiyan, which lies just off of Kirkman Road.

"It's really good for business, because when people are stuck in traffic, they are looking for places to eat close by because they don't want to be stuck in traffic for long," said Janz Mercado, manager at Soupa Saiyan. "Usually Soupa Saiyan pops up first. They usually tell me, 'I found Soupa Saiyan while I was in traffic."

Working just down the road from the intersection in question, Kirkman and Conroy roads, means that Mercado is all too familiar with it.

"The light is super-fast," said Mercado. "And the thing is a lot of drivers are pressuring you, behind you. When it turns yellow, they still want you to go."

Mercado has seen the light go out in the past and he called it a disaster.

"I've seen it go out once and it was just blinking yellow," remarked Mercado. "And everyone was just like (motions cars converging with hands). I've been to the Philippines and in the Philippines it's kind of like that. They don't really follow light rules. And it reminded me of that."

I checked in with the City of Orlando who gave me an interesting update and officials did confirm that in the last two months that were recorded power outages that affected the lights there.  

However, they claim that it was not due to the signal equipment.  

In fact, the city says that FDOT replaced the overhead cabling within the last two months, a design that is used nationwide.  

So that design there is not slated to be replaced anytime soon because it was updated just two months ago, but when it is inevitably deemed to be replaced, the city stated that it would work with FDOT to determine whether a new design, like a mast arm for example, is needed.

However, the information I received was from City of Orlando traffic engineers whose jurisdiction includes that intersection. So they would most definitely know of anything happening to that intersection. The intersection is the city's, but FDOT does the work on it because it's a state road intersection.

Thanks for your question Austin and hope that helps! 

And if you at home have a traffic issue or problem that you want looked at or solved, head to mynews13.com/trafficinbox and just fill out the simple form.