POINCIANA, Fla. — Despite cancellations for major events in seniors’ lives, one high school in Osceola County is still finding a way to honor its graduating seniors. 

The principal, teachers and the school’s resource officer of Liberty High School in Poinciana are all paying a visit to graduating seniors — all 500 of them.

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They are using their “charger spirit” to sing, dance and cheer for the Class of 2020, while social distancing.

They are also leaving signs on their yards saying “Liberty Chargers, 2020 Senior.” 

“So that we can just go around and encourage them and tell them we miss them, we love them and to stay strong and to finish strong and just recognize them,” said Misty Cruz the principal at Liberty High. “Because as seniors, it’s a special time in their lives and we wanted to ensure some of that special opportunity is still there for them.” 

Graduation for Liberty High has been rescheduled for July 9 at Osceola Heritage Park in Kissimmee.

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