ORLANDO, Fla. — The worldwide Black Lives Matter movement continues to raise calls for change, including from the African American business community.

What You Need To Know

  • African American Chamber of Commerce calling for Black business support

  • Tanisha Nunn Gary says access to capital is a struggle

  • Gary said she's spoken to Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer about path forward

Jean Perpillant, who founded digital marketing firm Design Theory in 2008, says building his business wasn’t easy.

“It’s not an equal playing field,” he explained.

Tanisha Nunn Gary is the President and CEO African American Chamber of Commerce of Central Florida.

“Access to capital is something that our businesses have always struggled with,” Gary said.

That is why she is calling on the Central Florida community to make a bigger investment in the African American business community — an investment not just in funding, but with faces, especially in leadership positions.

“When decisions are being made that affect blacks and people of color, you are hearing from those who have actually lived it. If you haven’t lived it, there is no way you can put into action any type of things that will bring about change,” Gary said.

She says she has spoken with Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and other officials about a path forward — a path she hopes will pave the way for more opportunities now and for generations to come.

Gary shared, “I am hopeful. I am definitely hopeful. I have to be because I have a son who is 11 years old. I am in this fight for him and for all of his friends who look like him, for my nephews. We can’t let this be something that dies down.”

If you’re interested in learning more about the African American Chamber of Commerce of Central Florida, visit the organization’s website.