TAMPA, Fla. — July is Parathyroid Awareness Month, and Dr. Sara Karjoo has a big reason to smile and hug Dr. Doug Politz at Tampa General Hospital

What You Need To Know

  • The parathyroid glands (adjacent to the thyroid in your neck) produce parathyroid hormones, which helps regulate calcium levels in a person's blood

  • In the case of a TGH patient, Dr. Sara Karjoo, she needed parathyroid surgery to buy her more time for a lifesaving kidney transplant. She has been in renal failure most of her life

  • Very high calcium levels are a side effect of renal failure. If your calcium levels are too high, you can’t qualify for a kidney transplant

  • July is Parathyroid Awareness Month

While both are physicians, this past May, Karjoo was a patient of Poltiz.

“I am feeling much better. You have no idea,” said Karjoo with a big smile. 

Earlier in the year, her calcium levels began to rise and for Karjoo, that was very bad. She is in stage five renal failure and in need of a kidney transplant.

“For the survival of that new kidney, to give it the best chance it has there. Really, for me, I knew there was no other option,” said Karjoo. 

Karjoo needed surgery. The cause of her calcium spike was a result of her parathyroid glands. 

The parathyroid glands (adjacent to the thyroid in your neck) produce parathyroid hormones, which helps regulate calcium levels in your blood.

“One of the target organs of parathyroid disease is the kidneys, and it can rob you of your kidney function,” said Politz. 

After a scan of her four glands, Politz immediately saw the problem. 

“You can see that there’s clearly this extra lump up here of accumulation of dye, right where the head of that pointer is,” he said, pointing to the black and white scan. 

The surgery lead to Politz removing four tumors growing; a result of years of living with failing kidneys. 

Politz and a team at TGH removed the non-cancerous tumors with ease. 

Within a day or so, Karjoo felt immediate relief. But, this surgery was only a step toward a bigger means for Karjoo.

“I’m not out of the woods,” she said. “I have bought myself a little bit more time, but I hoping for the real solution. The real solution, which is a kidney transplant.”

Karjoo has been on the transplant waiting list since 2023. Talking about the gift of life brings tears to her eyes, tears of hope. 

For those wondering about their calcium levels, it is often checked during when people get annual blood work done. Politz said if it is over ten, to ask about having their parathyroid glands checked.