Hurricane season begins tomorrow and across the state emergency leaders are asking residents to get ready.

A decade has gone by since the last hurricane, Wilma, hit Florida in 2005, and forecasters are expecting a below-normal number of storms this season.

Emergency management leaders are worried residents may be suffering from Hurricane amnesia, forgetting how dangerous and destructive hurricanes can be, and how important it is to be prepared ahead of time.

“My house yeah, it’s pretty prepared, pretty solid, I don’t have any shutters or anything,” said Anna Jayne, Satellite Beach.

“So-so, we’ll see what happens, a lot of trees in the yard might need to be trimmed up or something," said Chuck Carver, Merritt Island.

“We don’t have a supplies packed up, but we do have a propane grill and some things we could use if power went out,” said Jill Cozza, Satellite Beach.

Since Wilma in 2005, Florida’s population has risen, two million people in the past decade. That’s two million who may not be familiar with a hurricane.

It's important to have a hurricane supply and emergency kit. You also want to have an evacuation route mapped out, and a plan for your pets as well.

Homes also have to be prepared.

“Once this window breaks, you now have completely changed the pressure zones in your house and when that happens and there’s an opening, the wind will come in, pop the roof off of the house,” said Aaron Gallagher, Hurricane Storm Panel Manufacturing.

The father and son duo behind Hurricane Storm Panel Manufacturing in Palm Bay say they see too many homes that aren’t ready for a storm.

“You can drive around any street in Brevard and I would say 90 percent of homes are not protected,” said Gallagher.

They estimate more than 100,000 homes in Brevard County aren’t prepared. So experts say as hurricane season begins, now is the time to act to get you, your family, pets and house ready for anything that may head our way.