Three people had to be rescued from the ocean in Volusia County Saturday because of rip currents.

The Volusia County Safety Ocean Rescue flew the red and purple flags Saturday because of rip currents and man-o-war washing up on the beach.

None of that is keeping people off the beach though. They said there were large crowds.

Officials say that if you find yourself caught in a rip current, stay calm and don't fight the current. Instead, swim parallel to shore until you are out of the current, and then swim to shore.

The safety patrol is also encouraging parents get a free RES-Q bracelet for their children as soon as they get to the beach.

Parents can write their name and phone number on the bracelet before putting it on their child, so if the child is separated from family members, Beach Safety staff can get in touch with the parents.

Lifeguards will also be out in full force, and they are asking beachgoers to swim near one when going into the water.

Also, beach driving will be closed around 1 p.m. Sunday because of high tide.